Ivey's Blog
“A Hundred Pubs, A Thousand Voices, One Song”

Proud Cornish men & women will erupt in jubilant verse this week as the county celebrates St Piran’s Day.
“The Song of the Western Men”, also known as “Trelawny”, is the traditional patriotic song of the county and it will blast from inns and public houses from Launceston to Lands End as the third annual ‘Trelawny Shout’ takes place.
A hundred pubs, a thousand voices, one song and one magical hour. What better way to celebrate the strength of Cornwall’s amazing communities (not to mention tipping our hats to Cornwall’s patron saint) than to take part in a mass singing of the Cornish anthem. Penned by Robert Stephen Hawker in 1824, the song continues to bind the county.
At 9pm on March 5th 2017, pubs and bars all over the land will come alive with Cornwall’s rich sound. The Cornwall Community Foundation began the St Austell Brewery supported event in 2015 and it has grown year by year.
The nearest pub to participate in this year’s ‘Trelawny Shout’ will be the Farmer’s Arms in St Merryn.