Ivey's Blog
Challenging, Horticulturally Speaking

Mother Ivey’s Bay Head Gardener, Alison has been busy battling the quirky south west springtime weather conditions, trying to juggle unusually cold months with the need to recognise that Spring has infact sprung. Here’s what she’s been up to:
“The year is moving on at pace, but the cold persists. This has hindered us and after wanting to cut the grass at Christmas we have only really stared cutting the grass in the last few weeks as wave after wave of cold air flooded over the country and slowed the growing process. I have been reluctant to put out new tender plants for fear of the northerly winds and very cold nights.
I have however planted up the front entrance for some spring colour and gain a bit of structure. Mahonias and Euphorbias have gone in, as well as small varieties of Hebe and Primroses, Daffodils, Pansy and Ericas. All should be ok with the strange weather of late. Our new park signage really sets off the planting!
In March local ecologist, Steve Adams from Cornwall Wildlife Trust, came to help with habit management on the wilder parts of the Mother Ivey’s Bay. We always knew we had badgers around the site, but he has now formally identified a badger set on our south west perimeter.
We have cut the field early this year as part of our land management plan to actually discourage the local birds. It might sound strange that we want to discourage birds such as skylarks, but there’s good reason. These birds often nest in medium length grass at around the time that we usually cut our Meadows field. This puts their young at considerable danger. By discouraging their use of the Meadows for nesting, they are more likely to bring up there young in safety.
Finally, we’ve just started up our own Mother Ivey’s Bay Gardening Club. The first meeting offered a great opportunity for holiday caravan owners and holidaymakers to get together to share tips and tricks. I was also available to offer advice. Thanks to everyone who came along to enjoy the sunshine & laughter. If you missed our first meeting, please do come along to our next. They take place every Tuesday at 5pm and last an hour. You’ll see posters in Reception with info, or just feel free to ask me when you see me out and about.”