Ivey's Blog
RNLI & Warship Rescue Stricken Cargo Vessel

A Dutch warship joined Padstow and Appledore RNLI lifeboat volunteers to rescue a stricken 300ft cargo vessel amid rough seas and force eight gales which was drifting worringly close to North Devon coast.
The charity’s lifeboat volunteers spent more than 24 hours at sea amid high winds and big swells helping to keep cargo ship the Verity and its seven-strong crew safe. The vessel was carrying 3,000 tons of scrap metal when its engine failed four miles off Hartland Point.
With support from the Appledore RNLI crew, Padstow lifeboat established a tow to the ship at 9am on Friday. The tow was maintained until 2pm when Dutch Frigate HNLMS De Ruyter arrived on scene at the request of the Coastguard to manage the tow.
24 Hours at Sea
Due to the rough sea conditions, the Dutch Warship, escorted by Padstow lifeboat began the slow tow towards Lundy Island, a more sheltered location to await a tug boat from Holyhead.
Padstow crew were stood down and returned safely to the station at 9.30pm.
The sea going tug Bremin Fighter arrived at approximately 4am Saturday morning and set off with Verity towards Swansea for repairs.
A Great Team Effort
Alan Tarby, Padstow RNLI Coxswain said: ‘It was excellent team work from the RNLI lifeboats and the skipper and crew from the Dutch Warship did an amazing job in difficult conditions.’
Mike Weston, Appledore RNLI Deputy Launching Authority, said: ‘We needed to make sure the cargo ship didn’t drift into shore. She was a bit too close enough for comfort.
‘It was a marathon job for both RNLI lifeboat crews who are all volunteers and who spent many hours in rough seas keeping the cargo ship safe. A very big swell and gale force winds provided tough conditions and along with the crew of the Dutch Warship, they showed a lot skill, grit and determination.
‘The co-ordination between Falmouth Coastguard, the RNLI and the Dutch Navy was excellent. It was an example of tremendous teamwork.’
Photograph Credit: RNLI/Alan Hoskin